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Free on 11th - 15th Jul 16
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Keto Cycle – The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet for Low Carb Athletes to Burn Fat and Increase Performance

Have you heard about the ketogenic diet? It’s proven to be great for rapid weight loss and fat burning. In addition to that, it’s can be used to reverse diabetes and other medical conditions.

The cyclical ketogenic diet(CKD) is an advanced variation of standard keto (SKD). It is most commonly used by low carb athletes to increase performance while burning fat for fuel. Also by bodybuilders to make their muscles look bigger and more vascular before stepping on stage.

Whatever your reason or condition, you will most definitely benefit from this.

The Keto Cycle is a book about the cyclical ketogenic diet.

It will teach you everything you need to know about low carb performance, rapid weight loss, and nutritional ketosis. It’s written in a way that everyone can understand and start practising the CKD approach.

Keto Cycle gives you

A simple plan to start the cyclical ketogenic diet for beginners.

Everything you need to know about the keto diet and low carb eating.

A tasty ketogenic diet meal plan that burn fat and battle diabetes.

The Keto cycle can be used to:

o Lose body fat and get shredded without depriving your body.

o Build lean muscle and size while not getting fat.

o Get stronger, faster and more powerful as an athlete.

o Battle diabetes and reverse other medical conditions.

o Improve mental focus and attain Jedi-like concentration.

o Protect yourself against cancer, tumors and coronary heart disease.

o Increase your longevity and insulin sensitivity.

o Become fat adapted and start using fat for fuel.

o Experience mental clarity and feel amazing.

o Have access to abundant energy all of the time.

o Reduce your hunger and lose sugar cravings for good.

o Eat mouthwatering and delicious meals that leave you satiated for longer, including carbs.

The author Siim Land is a modern day reneissance man and a hunter-gatherer. A holistic health practitioner, fitness expert and an author. Having practiced the ketogenic diet for several years, he has managed to improve his health, performance and longevity.

You can do the same and start practising the cyclical ketogenic diet. If you’re a low carb athlete wanting to burn fat, build lean muscle and increase performance, then the Keto Cycle is just for you.

Free on 11th - 15th Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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