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The Ketogenic Diet – Learn the Secrets to Rapid Fat Loss!

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Have you heard of the Ketogenic diet and wondered what it is?

Are you sick and tired of being overweight and unhealthy?

Or are you just tired of yoyo dieting and fad diets slowing you down?

The typical American diet is heavy on carbs and sugar, and

because we’ve been warned that “fat is bad”, it is also typically

very low in fat. Maybe it’s time to take a good look at what we

are eating, and how it affects our bodies, and change the way

we eat, so that we can finally lose weight, keep it off and begin

enjoying life the way we were meant to.

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic Diet is not about eating “specific” foods, but

rather about understanding how your body converts the food

you eat into energy. By learning how your foods interact

systemically, you can begin to make choices about what you

eat that will ultimately help you to feel better, increase your

energy levels and begin to lose weight naturally…weight that

will stay off for good.

The focus of this book is…

This book is focused on helping you understand how the foods

you eat react in your body, and how you can choose foods designed to…

Convert to ketones for energy. Your body is used to using the glucose found in starchy foods and carbs for energy. The problem with this is that your cells can only handle so much glucose before they begin to fatigue. Once this happens, you are headed very quickly down a slippery slope, right into diabetes, heart disease and other serious health complications. When you follow a Ketogenic diet, you force your body to convert from glucose to ketones for fuel, reducing the strain on your system.

Protect against/ reverse chronic disease. Insulin fatigue occurs when your cells cannot handle the amount of glucose being poured into them, and can lead to other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and Type II Diabetes. By changing the way you eat, you reduce your risk of developing these conditions.

Help to manage your weight. Excess weight places a strain on your body and can lead to further health conditions that can seriously impact your quality of life.

Other benefits found in this book include…

An explanation of how the Ketogenic diet works, and why it is different than “traditional” diets.

Identifying health conditions that can be improved or even reversed by adopting a Ketogenic lifestyle.

Recipes to help you get started as you begin to change the way you eat, and ultimately your lifestyle.

This book is not meant to tell you exactly what to eat, but

rather to help you understand your food and make the

choices that are ultimately best for you. While you can

“follow” this book if you choose, we encourage you to use

it as a tool to help you develop a diet that works for you

and ultimately results in lifestyle changes that will help

you to look and feel better and significantly improve your

quality of life. By basing your diet on the foods that you

enjoy, you increase your chances of success.

Tags: ketogenic, keto diet, beginners, recipes, cookbook, healthy living, active lifestyle, diet guide, real food, caveman diet, health, happiness, fitness, skinny, muscular, anti-inflammatory, fat loss, fat diet, rapid fat,

Free on 1st - 5th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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