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Free on 22nd - 25th Mar 18
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Ketogenic Instant Pot Cookbook

Download This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!

”All aboard the keto instant pot train… you will have your full weeks delicious dishes in under 3 hours!!!”

Imagine the time you can save and the extra activities you can do throughout the week with not having to cook during the week!!! You will be surprised how many tasty recipes await you in your copy of the Ketogenic Instant Pot Cookbook.

The ketogenic diet enables you to maintain an extremely healthy lifestyle. If you are intrigued in learning how to become time efficient and healthy at the same time then this might be the path for you.

I have designed the recipes to stay within the macros of the keto diet. We will focus on a low carbohydrate diet with an increased amount of vegetables and high natural fat foods to give your body more proteins. Which will in turn enable you to use the proteins as your main energy supply as opposed to carbohydrates and burn through your fats faster. This will also help with less water weight retention as carbs are the main source for absorbing the water.

In 1924, Dr. Russell Wilder from the Mayo Clinic designed the keto plan which was used as part of an epilepsy therapy treatment plan since he also suffered from epilepsy. The plan became known for its other effects which helped in weight loss, and many other ailments. It is a proven diet that has revolutionized the weight loss game.

Unlock your inner chef and you can enjoy these delicious dishes with my 14-day meal plan and achieve the fitness goals that you have set out to achieve. Or simply enable your family to live a healthy life style.

Here Is A Sneak Preview Of What Recipes Are Included…

Balsamic beef pot roastGreek meatballs with a tomato based sauceBarbacoa beefShredded chipotle beefChicken BruschettaMexican pork carnitasHam and bean soupVegetarian butter chicken with soy curlsLemon ricotta cheese cakeAlmond and coconut cakeMuch, Much More!
Get your copy today!

If you enjoy this cookbook consider my other one as well “Ketogenic Fat Bombs”

Free on 22nd - 25th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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