Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novella

Free on 30th Mar 16 - 3rd Apr 16
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The ultimate guide to burning fat, packing on muscle and getting that lean, ripped look of your dreams has arrived!

Do you want to find a way to rapidly burn fat while still packing on muscle? Do you need to burn fat without feeling fatigued or having low energy levels? Are you sick of not being able to stick to a diet because of the limited food options?

If so, Kettlebell workout for beginners is for you!

The kettlebell workout for beginners, is a 21 day plan to kick start your body transformation and is a step by step guide to seeing dramatic results in just 3 weeks!

In this book you will find a detailed step by step guide on the exercises you can do with kettlebells and how to perform them. A guide to which exercises to use for what (e.g. building muscle, building strength or burning fat.)

PLUS: a companion nutrition guide!

As well as a guide on the basics of kettlebell exercises, this book contains a in depth 21 day guide that hits a different set of muscles every day to keep your body guessing! It gives a comprehensive guide to which exercises to do each day to see dramatic results.

Some of the exercises include:

– Multiple types of kettlebell swings

– Kettlebell deadlifts

– Kettlebell snatch

– Multiple styles of Kettlebell rows

– as well as a detailed ABS guide, that gives numerous exercises that focus on your core strength to help you get the abs you’ve always dreamed of!

and many many more!

What are you waiting for?


Add this book to your cart and start burning fat and building muscle today!

Free on 30th Mar 16 - 3rd Apr 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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