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Free on 23rd - 27th Feb 17
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So many events in this world are beyond our control, sometimes even beyond our understanding. No matter what we accomplish, disappointment is inevitable. Worse yet, no matter how powerful we become, eventually we must all pass away. “What do we gain from all our days of labor in life?” It’s a question we’ve all asked. In this motivational self-help book, the answer comes from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon. Noting that ‘one event happens to all’, that neither riches nor wisdom can prevent toil, Solomon journeyed to find value in living. Here, you’ll find what he discovered; simple ways to achieve joy, keys to long-term fulfillment, even our very purpose for existing. Placed into the context of our current world, ‘King Solomon’s Conclusion’ will equip readers with safeguards to elude many of life’s greatest pitfalls; to reduce the inevitable stressors that weigh us down daily, and to offset the frustration that comes from living in a world whose ways are beyond our control. We live, we work, we die, and nothing we do can change that. But we can find peace, comfort, and strength along the way. We can effectively manage stress and drastically reduce the toll it takes on us. And if we choose to fulfill our purpose, we will find something even better; the greatest gift of all. In ‘King Solomon’s Conclusion’, spiritual growth meets practical common sense counseling. The stress management techniques Solomon provides are simple, universal, and timeless. To those who seek practical knowledge that comes from God, this books for you. The world’s wisest man found the path to peace, joy, and fulfillment. Then, he wrote it all down for us. So… what are you waiting for? Look inside!

In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon provided his own self-help book for himself and anyone who would heed his words. Solomon’s biblical counseling has been distilled into an easy to read manual fit for 2017. This book is a worthy add for those who seek biblical counseling. Those who are non-religious will be pleasantly surprised that the views of a biblical character are both understandable and relatable. Whether one is spiritual or religious they will find quotes from Solomon that will stick with them long after the reading. The knowledge here comes from a man Biblically confirmed as the ‘wisest who ever lived’. For readers interested in a common sense approach to stress management; and strategies that can be used immediately; this is the book that will enlighten them on God’s approach. Here religion and spirituality meet practical common sense and realism. Life involves work, life involves mortality; and Solomon’s understands these concepts on a higher level than we do. That’s why his answer to finding purpose is universal and timeless. That’s why his answers to where we can find fulfillment and find joy are obvious. King Solomon wrote the perfect self help book on life itself, a literal treasure of stress management techniques. Now those answers from his personal life’s journey have been broken down to their most basic, easy to read elements; utilizing the New International Version translation of the Bible. Did you know that King Solomon gave financial advice? That he was the first to suggest in writing that you do not put all your investment eggs in one basket? Or that Solomon suggested being over-righteous could ruin a person. How about the difference between the wise man and the fool? How can you avoid the self-punishment of foolish behavior and capitalize on the virtues of wisdom? What about keeping money and finances in context; understanding the ‘Almighty Dollar’ to be both a powerful resource and a phenomenal thirst trap for man. Solomon asked the question AND provided his answer… What do we have to gain from living? Look inside!

Free on 23rd - 27th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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