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Free on 29th Mar 15 - 2nd Apr 15
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Easily Create a Visually Stunning Sweater For The Fall That You or Your Family Surely Love!

Dear Knit­ter,

Are you frus­trated with your recent efforts to learn advanced knit­ting techniques?

Are you los­ing patience down­load­ing all those instruc­tional videos found online?

Do you spend hours knit­ting one sock only to find out you’ve done some­thing

hor­ri­bly wrong?

If you have said “yes” to even one of those ques­tions, then you are not alone. As a

fel­low knit­ter, I also had those ter­ri­ble night­mares for months…

Have You Experienced…

– Wast­ing your valu­able time search­ing for answers to your ques­tions on Rav­elry, on the Inter­net, or on YouTube, and still haven’t solved your problem?

– Try­ing to find help on YouTube, but the videos go too fast, are blurry, or don’t show you what you need to see?

– Feel­ing ripped-off, pay­ing huge sums of money for a ton of classes and books yet you still can’t fig­ure out how to knit socks properly?

– Pain in your hands and fin­gers because of the way you were knitting?

– Frus­tra­tion try­ing to cre­ate that per­fect sweater but don’t know how to start?

This is often the case because most of the the instruc­tions are too confusing…

…or there are no illus­tra­tions to demon­strate the steps properly.

Many attempt very com­plex projects but give up as they really don’t under­stand the

ter­mi­nolo­gies or abbre­vi­a­tions used in knit­ting patterns…

…let alone know the cor­rect techniques!!!

Worse still there is no one around to ask for help.

Wouldn’t it be great if some­one took all that infor­ma­tion you need and put it

some­where you can eas­ily access?

My Mission Is To Help Sweater Knitters Around the World

Hi! My name is Jackie Anderson, and my mis­sion in life is to help you become a Knit­ting Super­star by pro­vid­ing you with the best book knit­ting instruc­tion in the


I have more than ten years of expe­ri­ence knit­ting and teach­ing knit­ters like you

how to knit faster, more eas­ily, and more confidently.

I’m not going to promise that I can make you an amaz­ing knit­ter overnight.

How­ever, with a pos­i­tive atti­tude, will­ing­ness to try new things, and the courage

to ask for help, my video knit­ting instruc­tion will DRASTICALLY improve your


The more you prac­tice along with me, the more your brain will assim­i­late these

skills, until you are able to knit things you never imag­ined pos­si­ble, while

watch­ing a movie, car­ry­ing on a con­ver­sa­tion, and mak­ing new friends in your

knit­ting circle!

Grab the book today! It’s a small investment to make to learn a skill you can teach, share and enjoy the sweaters you knit!

Free on 29th Mar 15 - 2nd Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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