
Free on 24th - 28th Nov 14
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Have you ever worried if your Indiegogo campaign could not raise enough money?

Take heart, you are not alone.

I was once in your shoes. When I pressed the “Launch Campaign” button on April 5 2014, those were the exact thoughts that flashed through my mind.

On the inside I was freaking out:

“What if we cannot hit our $5000 funding goal? Wouldn’t I look stupid messing this up, big time?”

You see, I was fresh out of university and had zero marketing experience; much less crowd funding. Crowdfunding was a very new thing to me.

At first, the money rolled in slowly.

Then a miracle happened. By Day 2, we had already raised over $3000, which was more than 50% of our $5000 goal!

And 61 days later, we had $106,830 sitting in our bank account.

Imagine having over 50% of your project already funded by day 2!

It is VERY possible to hit 50%, or even more of your funding goal by the first week of your campaign.

According to Kickstarter, 79% of all projects that raise 20% of their goal early on, end up being fully funded by the end of the campaign.

We managed to do it for the Duet Smart Bluetooth Tag campaign on Indiegogo.

And so can you!

There really isn’t any secret how we achieved this success.

All you need is to get initial traction, and that is crucial to get the ball rolling.

And a proper launch strategy will get you there.

Learn the launch strategy we used to get that initial traction!

“Launch!- How A Startup Made Over $100,000 Crowdfunding On Indiegogo With This Launch Strategy” walks you through the launch strategy we used to kickstart our campaign well.

You’ll learn how to:

Launch to a hungry market, not crickets!(crik crik crik..)

Build your audience long before you even press the launch button

Tell your product story in a way that your audience will understand

Learn 6 different marketing strategies for launch

Learn why we used only 4 of those strategies for the Duet campaign

Get a groundswell of sales flooding in when you first launch

Which activities didn’t work out well for us

You can do a successful crowdfunding launch!

And hopefully the launch experiences and advice we share in this book will you figure yours out along the way.

Would You Like To Know More?

Download now and start your crowdfunding campaign TODAY!

Scroll to the top of the page and select the ‘Buy’ button.

Free on 24th - 28th Nov 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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