For most of her life Violet James has been half in love with a man she’s never met. The people she knows best are those she meets only in her dreams of a 1908 Texas community called Lavender. Less real are those in her own time, 1940’s London, where she serves as a scullery maid in an aristocratic household where she was abandoned as an infant shortly after birth. But when the London house is bombed during the blitz, she finds herself facing the man from her dreams, Warne Chapman, in long ago Lavender. (Fifth book in the Lavender, Texas series. The Lavender books follow the stories of members of the same family in the time-locked community, but each book tells a stand-alone story).
The Mating Chase (Werewolves of Montana Book 1)
Heart of Eve (Trilogy of Eve)
Stoizismus Für Ein Gewinnendes Mindset: Verwandle Dein Leben mit Stoischer Philosophie. 23+ Praktisc...
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