
Free on 20th - 24th Jun 15
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“Very inspiring! Couldn’t put it down.” –Janice “Jan”

“Excellent Book! Finally someone explains the Law of Attraction in simple to understand. This is a MUST read for all those who truly want to master the Law of Attraction.” –Ray Azcui

We have all heard that if we ask and believe, then we will receive.

But is that really true? Could it really be that simple?

The answer is both yes and no. Yes, it is true,

we can receive by asking and believing. But at

the same time, no, it’s not that simple. There is

so much information about the LOA that too

many books leave out. One missing link, and

this puzzle will never come to full fruition in the

way you intend it to be. This may not be

because you aren’t completely believing. It’s

because you haven’t been given the rest of

those missing pieces in order to make it work

for you. Author J. Loveless is hoping to change


Loveless shares with you the rest of these

ingredients in an easy to understand manner.

Asking is one thing, but we must also take

action in order to receive what we want. If

you have read other books on this subject then

you already know The Universe is always

answering us. You also know we must take

action once the Universe does answer us.

However, we can’t do that until we learn how

to hear The Universe. So how do we do

that? How do we know what it is The Universe is

trying to tell us? Or for religious people, how do

we hear God?

Loveless has gone above and beyond, giving

you many examples in order to show you an in

depth and personal way to fully understand

what it is the Universe is trying to tell you.

When we can understand this, we can take the

right action course leading us to our desires.

Did you know that there is a certain way to

visualize correctly? Did you know there are other

hidden key factors that will either make or break

your success using the LOA?

In this book you will learn exactly how The Law

of Attraction works. You will learn how to use it

correctly and efficiently in order to bring yourself

more love, money, health, power and success.

With this book you will better understand the LOA

so you can follow the path in which you are being

guided in order to live the life of complete and full

abundance you were created for – the life that you


“An amazing book. It actually brought me to tears, and not just once! As someone who has read quite a few books on this topic recently, I can’t praise this book enough. It really resonated with me and has given me much to think about and work on.” –J Stringer on Amazon Australia

This isn’t your average Law of Attraction book.

The Secret Power of The Universe not only gives

an in depth explanation and all the how to’s, but it

also gives you the inspiration and motivation to create

your own destiny exactly as you wish. After reading

this book, the words I can’t won’t even be a part

of your vocabulary. You WILL succeed in all your

endeavors because you will expect only success.

And you will except nothing less!

Filled with Inspirational quotes, this book will help

you create the life you have always dreamed of!

“I have listened to the Secret, and I have read several books on visualization techniques but this one put it all together a step by step format. It makes using LOA, not only possible but over achievable!” –Shuryce Prestwich

Remember, Kindle Unlimited Subscribers & Prime Members Can Borrow This Book For Free!

Scroll back up and grab your life changing read today!

Free on 20th - 24th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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