
Free on 13th Dec 16
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Action and Suspense Have Never Been So Sexy

Readers say the Jack Lazar Series “is like James Bond meets Fifty Shades of Grey”

In this edge-of-your-seat debut Jack Lazar novel, Jack is thrown into realms of danger and intrigue from the very start as he witnesses the shooting of a beautiful woman in the midst of a raging storm and races to save her life. Little did he know that he had thrust himself into the middle of a corrupt DEA investigation.

To make matters worse, Jack was just blackmailed into leaving his lucrative job by one of the firm’s senior partners, and now he discovers the event is somehow connected to the DEA’s case. How is that possible? But the DEA won’t tell Jack anything, so he sets off on his own mission to solve the mystery, and every step digs him deeper into trouble. A Beretta 9-millimeter and classroom martial arts skills don’t exactly qualify someone to be a covert agent, and Jack finds out the hard way.

Then there’s Sarina, the exotic DEA agent Jack rescued, who gets a little out of hand when it comes to sex, and Jack is immediately hooked as any red-blooded male would be. But Sarina has a knack for disregarding orders and creating havoc, so it doesn’t take long after they join forces that people want to kill them both.

Lazar’s Intrigue is the completely rewritten first installment of Sterling’s Jack Lazar Series. It’s an action-packed thriller that will keep you guessing to the very end as Jack and Sarina struggle to stay alive, piece together what’s going on, and hopefully take down the bad guys before it’s too late.

Free on 13th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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