
Free on 20th - 21st Dec 13
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The book has come about as a result of my own personal journey in meditation from a young age of 8. By practicing meditation each day, my life challenges, whether it is relationships, health, wealth, work, family or friends have been easier to manage with clarity and calmness.

In today’s society more and more people are searching for ways to help them de-stress, have a calmer life, or simply be more content and happier within themselves. Others may stumble across meditation due to health issues. Often medical practitioners will recommend some form of meditation to compliment modern medicine and treatment.

People are beginning to turn to self-help as a means of achieving this. Meditation has been with mankind for hundreds of years and is a proven practice for achieving, a calmer, happier, less stressful and healthier life. It allows you to tap into the stillness that is within you and discover a deeper state of tranquility, calmness and bliss.

Whether you are a beginner or an individual who is familiar with meditation, this book explains the philosophy of meditation and how you can take yourself to the next level of deeper awareness. The simple techniques explained in the book will have you meditating in minutes.

Why wait! The calmness and clarity is within you. You just need to know how to tap into your deeper sense of awareness.

Begin your journey to a better way of living today.

Free on 20th - 21st Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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