
Free on 30th Mar 24 - 3rd Apr 24
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Lessons from Childhood That Will Change How You Live Life

Lessons from Our Youth explores the parallels between children’s behavior and success. This book is for anyone who is hoping to simplify their life and view the world in a completely different perspective.

Kids still have much to learn and experience, but through the observation of their behaviors and attitudes, we too, can learn a plethora of practical lessons about living a purposeful life. These lessons are undoubtedly simple, yet are often neglected or forgotten about due to the countless duties and responsibilities attached to adulthood. However, when we can be reminded about the lives in which we used to live, times when we acted openly on our instincts and fully believed in everything we did, the adult life can be a lot more simplified.

Peters credits young people as some of the world’s most important teachers. We tend to think of our childhood as the
days where we were most naive or fragile. However, it was not who we were, but how we lived, that defined the beauty behind the lifestyle. There will be times in life where the answer can only be found in our past. When that happens, our childhood acts as a suitable candidate because those were the times when each moment of the day had its own significance. This book aims to explore the teachings we can draw from our glory days and how to utilize them to empower our current lives.

Take in these practical lessons from our childhood and live out the rest of your days with power, grace, and happiness. Grab get this Kindle book now for only $0.99!

Free on 30th Mar 24 - 3rd Apr 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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