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Free on 15th - 19th Jul 16
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Lettering and Calligraphy- Intermediate Level


Moving on with the amazing art of calligraphy

Calligraphy is one of the most interesting of arts to take on because of its vast history. It isn’t simply pictures like art is. It sends a very definite message and has a specific purpose. In this book, we explore making your calligraphy really stand out and look super professional and it’s only a matter of understanding the different widths of the nibs and the types of medium used that is different.

This book is for people who have tried calligraphy and who have the basics but who want to advance that and start producing the kind of work that can be used for illustrating a journal or for creating a book of poetry. Maybe you even want to create a parchment document to record a special event. Follow the chapters and you will see that calligraphy is indeed a very wide subject and that there is a lot of territory to cover.

Lettering and Calligraphy- Intermediate Level Highlights:The nibs and tools needed by the intermediate userThe usage of parallel pensTraditional lettering using calligraphy pensHow to letter with built in swirlsHow to do classic black inked lettersHow to design and produce elegant bordersIntroducing lettering which is decorative, the book has encouraged you to make your own set of letters and to incorporate leaves and flowers to make it very decorative indeed. The reason this was suggested is because it shows your own individuality and, as an artist, that is relatively important.

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Free on 15th - 19th Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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