Interviewing for a job is stressful. There’s nothing quite like it.
Potentially life-changing events, interviews demand preparation. Unfortunately, the knowledge of how to prepare for an interview feels like a big secret that’s impossible to get in on.
Level Up Your Interview breaks that impression of exclusivity. It takes you through the full process of preparing for an interview, regardless of the field.
This book will teach you how to:Build the perfect interview storiesThe STAR methodCrafting the perfect Elevator SpeechEnhancing existing stories with Mechanism or Ripples
Level Up Your Interview will give you everything you need to succeed. Each section is thematically organized with straightforward, actionable steps to build the perfect Interview Story Bank.
This is your guide to a clear and successful interview strategy. Great interview skills are vital, opening more opportunities and accelerating your career.
Take the time, secure the job, and Level Up Your Interview.