
Free on 12th - 16th Dec 14
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This is another international romantic thriller from one of Amazon’s bestselling mystery authors. This story of a serial killer that stalks and brutally kills literary agents is set inside the world of publishing, looking at it from both a writer’s and publisher’s point of view.

Just asking, but after sleeping with a literary agent, shouldn’t you receive more than a form rejection letter? It might also have helped to know that this want-to-be writer is bi-polar.

However, she is not the one to be feared most by this agent. For her anger and zest in destroying his career has created a copycat, a serial killer with a new target–literary agents.

When a serial killer stalks literary agents, and brutally kills them, the world of publishing panics with fear as the FBI hunts for the cold blooded killer, wondering what could cause a person to become such a monster?

To someone else, the rejection letter might be perceived as a simple piece of correspondence. But when Amy, who suffers from bipolar disorder receives a form rejection letter from Edward, an agent she had an affair with at a recent convention, she takes the rejection as both personal and professional–in short–a declaration of war.

Amy quickly embarks on a plan to get revenge by destroying Edward’s literary agency, but Amy is soon not the one to be feared the most. Her actions create a copycat, a serial killer, who targets literary agents and viciously murders them.

Living with the knowledge she has created a monster, a serial killer, is one thing, while doing nothing to stop the madness is another. But how could she track down a killer when she has no training in such? Thinking like a mad man might be the only way–but could she go there and survive herself? When the winds of fate, however, rekindle the romance with Edward, thus making him the next target–she really has no choice but to help the FBI before it is too late.

Free on 12th - 16th Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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