Author: Tags: , , Length: Novella

Free on 29th Feb 16 - 4th Mar 16
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The book presents the strength plan which helps to burn 3 time more calories for less period of time – for only 3 hours a week. The strength plan is focused on building shaped butt and 6 pack, and creating feminine and balanced look. It helps to transform the body in 8 weeks. The combination of a diet and work outs will help to lose up to 10 pounds during first 2 weeks of the program. Book describes the best foods for fat loss, and what is more important for staying young and healthy. The distinguishing characteristic of the plan – you don’t need to deprive yourself, this plan will push the metabolism through the rough, that’s why you can indulge occasionally with your favourite food, and it’s not going to ruin your weight loss success. With this program you’ll look 10 to 20 years younger. The book also teaches how to stay determined towards chasing the goals, and teaches how to be successful. Fitness is a big part of the author’s life, staying fit is crucial for author’s success in entrepreneurship and parenting. Being fit determines the life success, and the strategies in achieving the goals no matter if it’s fitness or business are pretty much the same. So the book teaches how to achieve the success in the life. The author was born in a poor family in a small Russian city, and made her way to successful career, living now in Los Angeles and running business internationally.

Free on 29th Feb 16 - 4th Mar 16
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