The breakup of his San Francisco rock band is a hard shove that has Jim Shalabon struggling to stay on his feet. What he needs is balance. What he gets is an earthquake. His best friend and former band mate is found dead in a London alley. Unable to make sense of his friend’s supposed drug overdose, Jim goes to London and slips into an amateur detective role. With a style and technique that he makes up as he goes along, he works his way into the game, holding his own against dismissive British cops and society lights with secrets to hide. On the way to solving his case he learns more than he ever expected about his dead friend—and even more about himself.
Little God Blues is a literate and witty mystery that will keep you guessing until the end.
Still Life With Murder (Nell Sweeney Mystery Series, Book 1)
The Butterfly - A Short Story of Life, Mystery, and the Impossibility of Endings
Encounters with the Celestials, The Living Part of a Timeless Legend
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