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Free on 13th - 15th Jan 16
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Did you ever wonder why someone would commit suicide? Have you been touched by a suicide in some manner? Did you ever wonder how everyone missed all the warning signs?

Only a person that has lived though this harrowing event can explain why they did it. Suicide is not logical and difficult to understand. It is a hush, hush topic that no one feels comfortable talking about. Very few people live through a serious suicide attempt and can actually talk about it or want to share the darkest moment of their life.

Ben is different. He had the courage to write and share his story to the world within three months of his attempt to take his life. Within the pages, you will find out why Ben took deliberate action to end his life by pulling the trigger in his living room after making a phone call.

This book breaks all the rules and the social stigma around depression and suicide and will give you an inside personal view on what it is like to battle depression and anxiety. We will talk about it candidly in a way that is easy to understand. We will have to warn you that some parts of the book are disturbing. It reads like a fiction novel, but the story is 100% true, raw, and very personal.

Ben was the happy-go-lucky, normal guy to the outside world, but inside he was a broken man teetering on the edge of the precipice.He pulled the trigger. He regretted it. He died. He was revived. He died again. He was revived the second time.

After the attempt, when he awoke in the hospital, he recalled a burning desire to make things right again. This book is Ben’s attempt to make things right. He wants to help people who are struggling, who are at the breaking point.

This amazing story will give you a new perspective or may even change your life.

– You will have a greater insight into depression and you will be better able to help someone who is struggling with this disease.

– You will gain more compassion and understanding for people who are struggling, not just with depression, but with other life struggles.

– You will be more confident to intervene and take action if you know someone who is threatening suicide or is heading down the rabbit hole.

– You will develop a greater awareness of the evil twins, “depression sand anxiety.”

If you are a depressed individual, you may see yourself in the story and you will know that you are not alone in your fight. Ben’s story will help you to see what others do not understand. Consider Ben to be your friend and supporter. He will share all of his thoughts and insights.

For anyone battling depression and even negative thoughts, healing and recovery is not an overnight process. We are not alone in this world for a reason, although for someone who is battling depression, it can feel like you are alone in your fight.

When someone gets so low, it is hard for them to get up by themselves, so you will need to be there, if possible, and extend that helping hand. This book will also provide some valuable tips on how to talk to someone who may be suicidal.

Take action today by downloading this book. There is no doubt that you will benefit by reading a personal account of Ben’s story. Enjoy this read and then take action to reach out and help someone who may be struggling. You never know who is hurting inside and who is at the end of their rope… literally.

Scroll to the top of the page and click the “Buy Now” button.

Free on 13th - 15th Jan 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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