This is the third instalment in Tom Kane’s Living in Cyprus series, the musings of an ex-pat living in Cyprus. Living in Cyprus: 2013 has been available for a while and the 2nd volume in the series, 2014 is about to be released as a free book on Tom’s website,, so watch out for that.
What rattles your cage and makes you put pen to paper? Tom Kane tells us in no uncertain terms what rattles his cage. Although Cyprus is part of Europe and in the EU it is close to the Middle East, which is a bit unnerving when you realise only a hundred miles away there is a civil war raging in Syria.
Tom has been blogging about Cyprus for many years and in this book we go from corruption in Cyprus to refugees from Syria landing in Cyprus and the RAF bombing the terrorist group ISIS.
Tom Kane takes you on a ride through the funny, sad and odd side of Cyprus.
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