
Free on 4th - 8th Feb 15
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Have you ever heard such a term as “voluntary self-delusion”? It is something that happens to almost everybody, without people even realizing it. The reason is that there exist incorrect mental attitudes in our mind.

I call these incorrect mental attitudes “false guides”. They lead us to inadequate relations with the world, people around us, and ourselves. From this book, you will learn what these mental attitudes are, how they manifest themselves, and that unwanted consequences they result in. You will also learn how you will benefit once you reject these “false guides”.

All opinions and arguments contained in this book can be verified – you can observe all the things described in the book in yourselves and other people.

Here is what you will learn having read this book:

– Idealizing other people creates unnecessary pretenses and difficulties in relationships;

– One of the frequent reasons for quarrels and misunderstandings is the subconscious reaction of false self-identifications;

– Why we often cannot understand what we really want;

– The much admired will power does not lead to victories and successes;

– Why our striving for perfection often results in dissatisfaction and bad moods;

– Adherence to principles is not what we usually think it means. Many of you will be surprised to discover the true meaning of this phrase;

– and many other things.

This book is useful and relevant for all kinds of readers. Age, gender, citizenship, and occupation do not matter because practically every person has these “false guides”, and exceptions are very rare. Whether you are a student or a university professor, a model or an actor, a doctor or a lawyer, a software developer or a housewife, an office clerk or a bank teller, you will find at least two things in this book that are true about you.

What are the advantages of reading this book? You will be able to:

*Identify your own false mental attitudes;

*Learn how to stop worrying about some of your imperfections;

*Learn to accept differences in opinions in a calmer and more balanced way;

*Realize and reject inadequate aspirations;

*Identify unwarranted waste of inner energy and thus learn to save it;

*Learn to lower your stress level in encountering occasional failures;

*Use the contents of the book to enhance self-cognition and personal experience.

Simply give it a try!

Free on 4th - 8th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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