Author: Tags: Length: Short Story

Free on 28th - 29th Oct 13
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If you believe that spending hours in a gym running on your tread mill, elliptical machine, or jogging many miles per day is the best way to lose fat and build your energy…this book will change how you think.

When I started this “15 minute-every other day-workout,” My ab-muscles began to appear, I felt more energy and had almost too much “free time” on my hands after the workout was done.

Just compare the body of a “long distance runner” to a “short distance sprinter.” Look at a marathon runner or an endurance athlete, then look at a sprinter. Not only do they look different, one carries a lot of muscle naturally, the other has a catabolic look to them where they’re literally, you know, eating their own muscle. And also they’re typically fat around the waist. And also the big thing is though, look at their skin, look at their hair, look at their eyes.

The athlete who moves in short bursts looks healthier and their body is more toned and stronger.

You will be breathing heavily during this workout, don’t get me wrong, but your body will be constantly burning fat and creating natural growth hormone and testosterone, even during the “off-days.”

This simple program gets results and you only need a few pairs of cheap dumbbells or a flight of stairs to run up and down.

If you don’t agree that this is the simplest-most efficient and effective workout plan to lose weight and increase your energy and testosterone, simply ask for a refund through Amazon.

Try this workout today!

Dr. Steven Douglas

*Too Much Stress on the Body
*Most Exercises aren’t Helping
*Short Intensive Bursts
*Compare Long Distance Runners to Sprinters
*Simple Exercises…Cancel Your Gym Membership
*The Simple Routine

There’s not a subject out there more controversial than exercise. Especially when it comes to weight loss and anti-aging. You see all these people in the gyms, you’ve seen them I know. Doing the aerobics classes strapped on the back of machines on treadmills right? Pounding the pavement when you go through a park, you know, how much good is that really doing? Well to be honest with you, studies show for weight loss it’s not doing much at all. And for anti-aging it’s actually causing harm. So then what do we do? What is the answer?…

Free on 28th - 29th Oct 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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