Are you tired of diets that do not work? Losing weight is an inside job. What are some mental/ emotional ways to do the work that is needed to lose the weight? Why are certain women able to stay thin and never, ever diet? What is different between these naturally thin women and those that can only struggle to thinness through obsessive diet-like behaviors? The book explains the significant strategies to lose the weight and keep it off. In a personal and accessible style the author guides the reader through an easy to follow step-by-step program based on energy modality work. The book’s program does not include any food restrictions, or recipes. It does not prescribe any specific exercise program as its sole objective. The book helps you lose the weight by examining your mental and emotional relationship with food.
Mindset Mastery: Transform Your Thinking and Unlock Your Life Potential
Self-Care for Coaches: A Workbook for Wellness Practitioners and Those Who Wish to Embrace Wellness ...
THE TINY HANDBOOK OF HAPPINESS: How Science can Help You Achieve More Joy and Fulfillment
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