
Free on 20th - 23rd Dec 15
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“…I have been through a lot of tough days, when I thought the true love will never come for me. I was just silly, naive and so didn’t know how to look for love, how I will get it.

When I started to change the way I was thinking; I had suddenly someone walk in to my life, and gave me the proof; everyone can have love, whatever was your past, the mistakes you made, as soon as you believe in yourself and others, that miracle will come to you…”

Are you lost in public opinion on what and what not to do? What is good and acceptable, and what is not? Have you ever wondered why are you still chatting with your ex? Why is it easier to talk with your friends rather than your partner? Why is it difficult to be honest or hard to let someone go? Do you want to know how to be happy on your own or in a relationship? How to stop making a fool of yourself? How to stop living a lie, being that “other” person or being used and hurt? …to be ready for something new you must accept your past, clear up your mess and move forward. I can help you to make a change but I will ask you to stop blaming others, finding excuses and even having sex on a first date…

I wish I could say my book has all the answers, but that would be a lie because there is no guru, teacher or expert who has them. I can only offer tips, and draw on my own personal experiences to help you guide on your own path to happiness.

With the progress of technology we are losing our sense of reality and losing our ability to create meaningful connections with those around us. We can’t get enough of stories about finding and keeping love. We just love drama, we need it, and then we cry. It is so simple but we over-complicate everything. This book is not a one stop solution on “How to make that guy fall in love with me” or “why is he not answering”. I don’t promise anything but I want to point out the common mistakes we make, give honest advice on how to create lasting relationships through respect, honesty and sacrifice and to prove that everyone deserves to be in love and to find happiness. So you can say one day: I have experienced the most expensive thing in this earth: I loved and I have been loved.

Free on 20th - 23rd Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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