The low carb diet has become increasingly popular and for good reason!
This ebook will explain to you exactly why this diet is so effective at tackling the stubborn fat we store in our bodies, something that following this food plan directly works on. You’ll know why the majority of carbs you eat are ruining your efforts to lose weight and gainer a fitter physique. All while ensuring you keep satiated and nutritious for those all-important energy levels.
Some of this book goes into exploring certain information surrounding the low carb diet. Part of this includes a very handy look at what type of specific foods and items are the best on such a diet and which are to be avoided so you are absolutely clear.
The next part contains a grocery list which will make that journey to the supermarket just a simple case of throwing stuff into the trolley, so you don’t have to spend ages planning and reading labels. After that come the recipes. I ensured these recipes fit the following criteria:
– Easy to cook and follow
– A focus on flavour to keep the food delicious
– Time efficiency
– Healthy and nutritious not just low carb
Throughout these recipes I’ve dropped in some hints of what is so great about each recipe!
Finally as a bonus is a last chapter on maintaining this lifestyle as the psychological component of every habit change is a crucial key.