
Free on 29th Jan 15 - 2nd Feb 15
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Make $2000 a month with Facebook.

Passive Income System

Book Content

How The System was Developed

The System’s Proof – $2139 Last Month

How The System Works

Facebook Marketing Hacks

Facebook Ads CTR trick

Step-by-Step System Blueprint

Effective Community Growing Strategies I Use

Further Tips on Developing Your System

Promo Codes

Extra Facebook Marketing Resources

This ebook teaches a Facebook Marketing system that generates in excess of $2000 a month. The system focuses on using your Facebook Pages to create a passive income. This system is the cumulation of lots of research and practice on generating an income from Facebook done by a think-tank of Web Entreprenuers. The author (Daniel Silver of WebMoneyTutor.com) demonstrates through a step-by-step informative guide followed-up with solid proof on how he manages to make up to $2000 a month through the use of this system.

Daniel Silver departs a number of his Facebook Marketing secrets that have helped him boost the effectiveness of this System and many other related Facebook ventures.

Can you do this System?

The System explained within only requires that you have access to Facebook, that you create a Facebook Page and are willing to spend a few hours a week building up that Page through the methods shown. This is not a get rich quick scheme but if you follow the methodology exactly you “should be earning a supplementary income within weeks and could replace your full time job within the year”.

This e-book teaches you a solid, proven model on passive income generation using only Facebook and nothing else. You are not required to have an external website/blog or any specialist skills to make this system work.

This system is the real deal, the author provides photographic evidence of how he developed the system and how much he makes each month from this system, if you are willing to put in the effort this system should earn you money within weeks.

Free on 29th Jan 15 - 2nd Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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