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Teach English in the Middle East and get your hands on that Arab oil money!
There are possibly three ways to make a lot of money without going into business:

1) Become a lawyer
2) Become a doctor
3) Become an English teacher in the oil-rich Arabian (Persian) Gulf countries.

The third profession is a highly guarded secret, and you won’t read about it on Internet news or hear about it from your career adviser. It’s not well advertised, and the ones who are in it want to keep it that way. The media protects it by showing a grotesquely exaggerated picture of the Middle East as a dangerous place filled with angry people shouting “Allah Akbar!” while swearing to kill the infidels.

Don’t believe what you see on TV. Most of the Arab Gulf countries are tranquil, peaceful and enormously rich petroleum-based economies awash with unbelievable amounts of cash, and cash is something we all can use.

Tens of thousands of Americans, Brits, Aussies and other Westerners live incredible lives there with high-paying jobs with huge benefits and tax-free salaries.

Do you want to make (and save) a lot of that cash without working too hard? Do you want to live like a millionaire who is jet-setting around the world now going on a safari in Africa, now skiing in New Zealand? Do you want to reside in a villa on a pristine beach? Do you like having a lot of free time to enjoy your life even before you retire? Do you like free or very cheap medical care? How about free schooling for your kids? How about not paying any tax? How about being able to pay off all your debts in a very short time without pinching and saving?

Sound too good to be true? This time it isn’t, because you are dealing with Arab oil money. They have a lot of it and they want to pay you a good salary, give you free housing, utilities and transportation, pay for your airfare, and spoil you rotten so that you’ll teach them how to speak English.

If English is your native language, and you have a passport from an English-speaking Western country, you are already half way there. Now, you just need to know what to study to get those qualifications to be able to work there.

Some of my colleagues worked easy and enjoyable jobs for about a decade and now have $300,000 in the bank. Many have retired already. Some have bought houses for cash. Others have been living movie star lives all paid for with Middle Eastern petrodollars. They laugh at the recession and economic decline back home.

In 1997, I was $27,000 in debt and losing job after job until I got to the point where I had to choose between paying rent and buying food. I was so desperate that I would try anything to get me out of that sorry state of affairs. Then, someone offered me a job in Saudi Arabia teaching English, and I was able to change my life forever. I said goodbye to debts, grueling work hours and heavy taxes. I went all around the world. I took 6–9 month breaks on tropical islands in SE Asia. I threw big parties. For the first time in my life, I began to live. Since then, almost every one of my jobs involved Arab money, and I found that they were much more generous with it than people back home.

In my booklet I’ve outlined everything you need to know about how to become an English teacher to oil-rich Arabs, how to live in their countries happily and prosperously, how to function within their culture and avoid trouble and what qualifications you need to have to land job there.

Whether you are starting your career and need guidance or are thinking about changing it, this book is for you. If you want to live a full life in which you have the finances to make your dreams come true, buy my book. It’s packed with all the essential information you need to know to start yourself on the path of life that is beyond most people’s wildest dreams.

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Free on 5th - 9th Nov 13
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