
Free on 19th - 21st Dec 14
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Learn How Business Executives and Entrepreneurs Created Amazing Success

Successful People Teach Us Valuable Lessons About Creative Thinking

A few years back, when a good friend from college announced that he was considering quitting his well-paying investment banking job to take up photography lessons, everybody’s eyebrows went up.

Here was a successful banker who was earning in 7 figures and wanted to give it all up and try something completely lateral.

After successfully convincing his family, he went ahead and pursued his dreams. He is now an established photographer and earns more than he did as a successful banker. As is apparent from his case, he simply followed his heart and raked in immense success.

Your career does not always have to be measured in terms of the dollars that you make. It has to do more with how happy you are in your life, career wise, and whether you are getting to do what you love to.

You have to feel strongly towards a job and put in your 100% into it, in order to translate your dreams into reality. You have to realize that no job is an odd job, as long as it allows you to make money and helps you lead a happy life.

In this book, we look at the success stories of 25 people, who took their chances and established million dollar enterprises or brought amazing value to their companies. Now these are people like you and I, who knew a good opportunity when they saw one.

The aim of the book is to shed light on million dollar strategies that are so simple yet so efficient. It will make you get up and put the various notions into practice to reap their benefits!

Here are some successful people featured in the book:

– Jill Wilfret, Lego VP of Global Licensing and Entertainment

– Jamie Miller, CIO, GE

– Li Na, Chinese tennis star

– Monica Rogati, VP, Jawbone

– Naveen Tewari, CEO, InMobi

– Scott Goodson, Creator Paper app

In this book you’ll learn:

Women power, youth power and groups that make it big

How top entrepreneurs from around the globe find what they love to do

Discover how Hollywood star Anna Kendrick followed her heart

Find out what vision drove Monica Rogati to create an amazing product

How Izzie Lerer created a business that conveys a message that promotes animal welfare movement

Discover how Neochaedge from China created an amazing network of artists

And much more

Download your copy today!

Free on 19th - 21st Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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