Brian E. Niskala is a professional manager and author. He writes mainly horror and science fiction. This work is a collection of experiences and stories he has accumulated from over 20 plus years as a manager for some of the top Fortune 500 companies. These include mainly United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx, and Airborne Express (DHL) to name a few. Brian has held positions from entry level package handler, truck loader, supervisor, several different level management positions including Director and Vice President. He has run small P&L budgets and budgets into the millions. Brian has managed small teams and teams consisting of hundreds of employees and contractors. Both union and non-union work forces. To say the least, Brian is a well- versed, well-diverse, and experienced manager.
He has found things that are worth replicating and others worth annihilating. But in the end, he is here to pass on his 20 plus years of knowledge of what he feels works and what he feels does not work. These are his valued opinions, his personal thoughts and may or may not be the view points of the companies Brian has worked for, worked with, or worked against. He has also included some of his favorite quotes at the end of most passages, some in appropriate spots and others in peculiar spots.
Please keep in mind he wrote this for education and entertainment. Brian did not seek to write this as a literary masterpiece or anything worthy of a Pulitzer or Nobel Prize for that matter. Just years of fun-filled life experiences of his own accord. So please sit back and enjoy!
The Sultan of Monte Cristo: First Sequel to the Count of Monte Cristo
True Experiences with a Sorceress of the 'Four Portals'
Where Even The Shadows Burn
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