
Free on 22nd - 23rd Nov 24
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Team management is important, but it isn’t about being important. It’s about being there for your team members when they need you and overseeing the project from a managerial point of view

That means that you need to have a lot of skills including the ones shown in this book. Your team can only be as effective as you are. There is nowhere to throw blame when you are a team manager because the buck rests with you. However, when you do succeed as a team manager or leader, what you find is that your team members will follow your lead and will do so with added enthusiasm if they see that you have enthusiasm and vision to get a job done.

The idea behind writing this book was to use my experience to help those starting out and to be able to give useful and sound advice. There are many corporate style books on leadership. What makes mine different is that it’s written by someone who has been where you are currently standing, and who understands your difficulty with being faced with the job of team leader for the first time. Walk through the pages and learn how it’s done. It’s actually easier than you may imagine, once you know what it is that you need to be doing.

In this book you will learn how to:Effectively communicate with your teamAllocate and delegateIdentify your teams strengths and weaknesses Develop your coaching skills Conflict ResolutionAnd much, much more

Scroll Up to Download your Copy Today!

Free on 22nd - 23rd Nov 24
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