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Discover How To Use Your Mind To Change Your Reality

Daily Affirmations can change your life … if you do them correctly

For some people, reciting daily affirmations have turned their lives around. By changing their mental outlook they have been able to manifest into their lives their fondest wishes and desires. For others, however, the use of affirmations have not only not helped them but can sometimes make situations worse. Why the difference?

The answer is that affirmations are a tool, and like any tool they can be used correctly or not. A hammer can be used to pound a nail into a board with no problems. It’s what hammers are designed to do, after all. If you try and use a hammer as a paintbrush, however, you are likely to be disappointed in the results. The same is true with affirmations. Done correctly they can be a powerful life changing tool. Done incorrectly you might as well be painting your walls with a hammer.

Wouldn’t you like to know how to do them correctly? Wouldn’t you like to know how to change your life for the better using the power of your mind?

My little book Manifestation Mind Power explores the history, power and science behind affirmations, as well a how to use them to make real changes in your life.

Here’s some of the topics my book covers:

Do Affirmations work?Where did this idea come from?The 3 great affirmation gurus and their legacyWhy the power to affect positive change is within youHow to create affirmations that work (Very Important!)

We all have aspects of our lives that we’ve struggled with and want to change. The first step in making this change, however, is changing your mental outlook. This is where affirmations can help. If you are looking to harness the power of your mind to make positive changes in your life my book can help you take those first few steps.

Order my book and start to make those changes today. A new you awaits!

Free on 30th Dec 16
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