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Free on 11th - 12th Apr 14
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Manifesting Mastery – a Step-by-Step Guide is unlike any other Law of Attraction/Manifesting book you have read.

Manifesting Mastery tells you the hidden, untold truths that you need to know about the Law of Attraction to make it work for you. It gives you simple experiments to perform, which will give you PROOF, yes you read that correctly, PROOF that the Law of Attraction is not just some “new age” myth. That the Law of Attraction is as real as gravity and it works with the same clockwork precision.

But Manifesting Mastery takes it a step further than just proof. It tells you exactly why the LOA is not working in your life in spite of your chanting and your meditating and your affirming. Manifesting Mastery tells you the secrets that have been hidden from you that are at the core of your disillusionment with the Law Of Attraction. It explains why the universe is the way it is. Big words! But you will understand when you read the book and you will wonder why these things have never before been explained to you.

Once you have a new understanding of the secret of the Law of Attraction, Manifesting Mastery gives you a step-by-step guide to manifesting successfully into your life all the desires you can wish for. You are shown exactly what you need to do, day by day, to create the life you desire. Quickly. Easily. With mathematical precision.

Manifesting Mastery concentrates on creating $1,000,000 and more in your life within forty days. But only if you do the work. Yes, there is work involved, otherwise you would already have everything you desire. Do you have the committment to follow instructions for forty days to manifest $1,000,000 and more into your life? Or is it all too hard?

You will understand why the universe is the way it is. You will be shown the hidden laws which regulate your life and abundance as surely as the sun regulates our solar system.

There is magic within the universe. Magic and power that is at your beck and call, for the universe wants you to be successful. The universe is stranger and more compliant to your wishes than you have ever before understood. The universe has created YOU to be the creator of your own life. You will learn that the universe responds to your energy exactly as you request.


Everything is made of one thinking, creative stuff. From the stars, galaxies and black holes, to the most insignificant microbe on your skin. You, yourself, are made of star stuff. You are connected to the universe in ways you cannot comprehend. As connected to the universe as a child is to its mother. Reading this book, you will agree with Einstein that the universe is not only stranger than you imagine, it is stranger than you can imagine. For the universe responds to you. Your thoughts, your emotions, your desires. Why? Because you have consciousness. You are a thinking, creating being and the universe bends to your desires.

Manifesting Mastery proves this to you beyond doubt with a series of simple experiments that will open the powers of your mind, both your conscious and your sub-conscious, and your belief in the Law of Attraction, in ways that you have never conceived. Ways that will make you laugh and lift your arms and shout to the sky in gratitude. Manifesting Mastery will give you the undoubted belief that you are a Master of Creation.

What will you do with this power?

Free on 11th - 12th Apr 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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