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Welcome to your guide on how manipulators take control in personal relationships – 2ND EDITION

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Do you find yourself helping others even when you don’t want?

Are you always feeling guilty when you tell others no?

Do your friends tend to guilt trip you into doing things for them?

Are you tired of feeling like you have no control over your life?

Are you tired of being victimized?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then “Manipulation” is the perfect book for you.

Inside this book by Sarah Nielsen, you are going to learn everything that you need to know about manipulation, including why people do it and how you can learn to deal with it.

One of the first things that you will learn about when reading through “Manipulation” is the warnings signs of an emotional manipulator. These warning signs will give you an idea of what to look for to try and help you determine if the person is manipulating you. Some of the most basic signs include negative reinforcement, as well as punishing you in some form for not doing what it is they want.

While it is important to learn the warning signs of emotional manipulators, knowing the types of manipulators out there can help narrow things down even more. “Manipulation” covers both of these topics in detail, allowing you to gain a very thorough understanding of what you need to be on the lookout for.

Knowing about manipulators can help you, but the problem is once you are a target you are always going to be a target unless you make some life altering changes. The author of “Manipulation” will explain to you what makes you a target for manipulation. They will also take you through what you need to do to make yourself a harder target, to hopefully break the vicious cycle of manipulation.

Making yourself a harder target for manipulators is great, but that doesn’t solve the problem of the current manipulators in your life. If you are currently dealing with manipulators you are going to need to learn how to resist their various tactics. In “Manipulation” you will be given several ideas that you can put to use to start resisting manipulators, as well as tips on how to make your resistance successful.

A big part of being successful against manipulators is getting them out of your life for good, but sadly that is easier said than done. The author of “Manipulation” discusses some of the steps you can take to get rid of any manipulators in your life. The author also provides numerous tips and advice about how to make the break up stick. Breaking up might sound easy, but making it stick is rough, as many find themselves second guessing their decision in the rough days that immediately follow the break up.

If you are tired of living the life others want for you rather than the life you want to live, then it is time to take control over your life. With the exercises and advice provided in “Manipulation” breaking the cycle of manipulation and taking back control has never been easier.

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Free on 17th - 18th Apr 18
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