
Free on 28th Jan 18 - 1st Feb 18
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Have the perfect marriage immediately with this easy guide to improving marriage and intimacy. Lead a loving and fulfilling married life today.

Here is a snapshot of what you will learn in this book:

Great Strategies to Understanding Your SpouseEasy to Follow Guidance to Rekindle Your Relationship and IntimacyLack of Communication Violating Boundaries Emotional Disloyalty Lack of Trust Losing Temper Sharing Responsibility Emotional Disloyalty Dealing with In-Laws Family PlanningAddiction Lack of Attention/Time Loss of Employment Death in Family Financial Problems Differences in Personality

Take Action and Get This Book Today For Only 0.99c

Is your partner violating boundary or do you need to set boundaries that have been overlooked? Do you have a communication problem or lack of trust in your marriage? Are you struggling with in-laws or your partners friends? Are you suffering from lack of intimacy? Is emotional disloyalty driving you crazy? Does your partner have a short temper or a different personality from you? The book will answer worries and concerns on all the above and much much more.
Nothing can be more devastating than watching your marriage fall apart while you look on. You may feel hapless and helpless. It is an emotionally trying time, perhaps the toughest part of your life. Naturally, you will not be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but could actually be looking for a way out of the situation. However, just because your marriage is on the rocks doesn’t mean you cannot save it. Don’t underestimate yourself. You are 50% of the couple. Unless you give up, there is no way your marriage will end. This eBook is meant to help couples deal with the tricky parts of a marriage, where you feel there is no resolution but divorce. That is the worst-case scenario, a last resort of sorts.
Where there is a will, there is a way, may be a cliché, but your willpower to make your marriage work can help you save your marriage. The first step is to acknowledge that you are facing issues as a couple. Often, married couples choose to avoid confronting the situation rather than dealing with it. The end result is there is little effort to manage the situation until it’s too late. This is a grave mistake that you have to avoid making. Over the course of this eBook, you will learn about the common issues’ that couples face and the misunderstandings they can cause. We will also provide some tips for spouses to better understand each other, giving them a chance to work on the marriage rather than just wait for the inevitable. You will also find tips for rekindling your relationship and getting things back to the way they were.

Take control of your life and marriage. Wake up everyday to a better marriage and life and see the results immediately. Be smart and recognize triggers that are upsetting your marriage and know how to deal with them before they even arise!

You Need This Book Today!

Free on 28th Jan 18 - 1st Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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