
Free on 30th Aug 17
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Did you ever imagine what a perfect life would feel like? Having anything you want and being in total control?

The sad part is that most people don’t even ask themselves that question. They wonder through life wanting things, but never taking action. They are scared of the things they have to sacrifice, they are scared for the very fact that they will not succeed in it. That they will quit right there in the process. Most people are even scared of the results they are going to get! They don’t know if they are able to handle all that pressure.

But what if I tell you something that you already know. You only have one life. If you ask 99% of people on an older age what they regret most in their lives. It is not the things that they did and didn’t do right. It about the things they didn’t do. The things that they didn’t do because they thought they were not capable of doing it.

Chances are that you are not part of that group of people. You actually want to make changes, but you just don’t yet know how to. I am here to tell you that you are on the perfect place right now! I am going to explain you throughout my book what it takes to live a perfect life. What elements are crucial to achieve it, and the most important part how to do it.

You might ask yourself the same question that I have asked myself over and over again. “Is there really a perfect life that is perfect for anyone?” The answer is a big fat no.

I designed my book just for that! The elements of a perfect life are the same for all of us. But there is still a big variety in how to do them.
?For example in the first chapter of my book “Morning Ritual”. I will explain what my morning ritual is and why it’s so powerful. Then I will explain you the morning ritual of very successful people that do it daily too. After that I will explain you how to get your own strong and powerful morning ritual. Chances are that my morning ritual will be totally different then yours. But it will improve our lives in an equal way!

So eventually there is a perfect life for us all. The cover is the same, the chapters are the same, just the content you will fill it in with, will be different.

I have spent over 5 years struggling to live a life that felt meaningful, a life that gave me the feeling that I am doing the right thing. In the process I changed a lot of things in my life. But I always changed one thing. I always tried to change one thing and was waiting for the results. Not knowing that there are a few key elements connected to make you feel that way.

I am very happy that I am able to share the Six Elements of a Perfect Life with the world. So that other people can also live a life that will give them the feeling that they are living it right. A life that will make you improve in every way possible, a life that will give you meaning, a life of fulfillment.

The chapters of my book are carefully designed to read in the right order. If you skip the first chapter you will not get the benefits you really want in chapter 2. If you don’t take chapter 2 serious you will not be able to get the most out of chapter 3.
?So this is your time to make a decision. Do you want to take your life to the next level? Do you want to improve your life daily? Do you want to feel more energetic, more happy more fulfilled just by doing so? Then proceed to the first chapter and allow yourself to step into that rollercoaster called life. The rollercoaster that you will have control over.

In the process of making this book I intentionally tried to make the book as small as possible. My book is designed to read and take action right away. The moment you read the first chapter, the morning ritual, you have to be prepared that the next day you are going to start with your morning ritual. If not then when will you? Next week? Next

Free on 30th Aug 17
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