
Free on 6th - 10th Sep 17
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This is a quick guide with some basics and tips based on my own experience.

I was one of those students who had no idea what to do with my degree after graduation. I felt lost and I also felt a huge pressure on me. I was scared to write my thesis. It seemed like a huge, barely conquerable task. But through my experience and my mistakes, I can now give you some advice.
Just to be clear, this book will not write the thesis for you. That task is still up to you. I can’t tell you how to actually write your thesis, but I can give you some tips on organizing everything and information about helpful tools you can use. This book is meant for those students who sometimes struggle with their studies. Most of these tips are also applicable to many other big projects or writing assignments.

Here is a preview of what you’ll learn:

Finding the right topicFinding the right supervisorThe first stepsWriting the dispositionTips and tricks for organizing everything around writing the thesisHelpful toolsPreparing the posterYour surroundingsTaking care of your wellbeing

Free on 6th - 10th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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