
Free on 8th - 12th Mar 15
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Measles Survival Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Measles and Protecting Your Family from the Measles Virus

The recent panic because of an epidemic of measles has brought back a deep concern for a disease that had virtually disappeared, at least in the United States.

Measles has been prevalent since early 160 AD and still remains to be a disease that spreads from person to person. Through a highly effective vaccine program conducted for the past 50 years, this disease had ceased to afflict the children of America. This eBook will concentrate on the illness and how you can safe guard yourself and your family. As we all know “Prevention is better than cure”. Knowledge about the disease is necessary to understand the means to combat it and prevent it from affecting our family members.

It will cover the symptoms of measles and also give you a brief history of the illness. The book will also tell you the available treatments and the various protective measures that you can adopt.

By reading Measles Survival Guide, will learn:

The incubation period for measlesA detailed listing of the symptoms of the disease and the long terms side effects and risksThe four ways that measles is spreadNine preventative measures against infection with the measles virusFourteen natural treatments that can prevent infection or can relieve symptoms or recovery.Measles was quite rampant for many years, but thanks to immunizations, it was curbed to a large extent in this past generation. However, the disease is still pretty active around the world, and it can affect any person regardless of their age.

With the prevention measures mentioned in this book, you should be able to safeguard yourself and your family. And if you think you have measles then it is best that you rush to the clinic and have it checked.

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Free on 8th - 12th Mar 15
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