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Free on 22nd Jul 17
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Medicinal herbs are gaining popularity because of the failure of allopathic herbs to deliver the beneficial health results, which everyone is seeking. This is not to say that allopathic medicine doesn’t work, but rather that it is not the panacea which we would all like to see. In reality restoring our health requires many different approaches, such as lifestyle and diet, but another great methodology is medicinal herbs. Dating back into antiquity, medicinal herbs can provide terrific relief from ill health and without the atrocious side effects, which often plague pharmaceutical medicines.

Herbal remedies either cure or greatly alleviate every condition under the sun including:

oStomach aches
oCold and flu’s
oCardiac ill-health
oLiver health
oCancerous growths
oGeneral feelings of ill-health
oMental-emotional ill-health
oSkin and hair conditions

Take any health condition and you will find an herb which will either cure it or reduce the intensity of the condition, especially when combined with other good health restorations strategies, such as lifestyle changes, diet, meditation and positive thinking.

In the previous books in this series (HERBAL REMEDIES FOR BETTER HEALTH, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING) I have focused on mental emotional health and wellbeing in book 1(Herbs from Depression and Anxiety) and in herbs for treating common health conditions in book 2 (Herbal Medicine).

In this book, part 3 of the series, this book focused on an in-depth study of 8 top herbs for treating everyday health conditions. In my last book I covered a wider variety of herbs, but each herb was detailed as it related to treating certain conditions. While this provided a great how to guide, to treating specific health conditions, it left out the big picture as it related to every herb. So in this book I wanted to provide the reader with an in-depth look at the benefits of 8 top herbs, for everyday health and wellbeing. This I feel fills a gap within the last two books.

While it’s great to try out many great herbs, unless we get into the habit of using certain specific herbs, on a regular basis, it is unlikely that we shall really gain maximal benefit from them. While I endorse the many different herbs which were outlined in book 2 of this series (Herbal Medicine), I particularly advocate the deployment of the 8 herbs, covered in this book, as they are readily available and are extremely potent, although most people don’t realise just how potent they are, because they don’t know how best to use them!

For example:

oDo you know that honey can help reduce blood sugar levels!
oThat ginger is a health tonic which can bring a person back from ill-health into blooming health!
oThat garlic can prevent and to some degree even reverse symptoms of dementia!
oThose lemons can restore the Ph. Balance of the body, thus preventing the onset of inflammation and chronic ill-health, if taken regularly!
oThat cinnamon is the most effective treatment for blood sugar control and that it increases insulin sensitivity 20 fold over any other compound!
oThat cardamom protects both heart health and the body from cancerous tumours!
oThat Apple Cider Vinegar will either cure or treat just about every condition under the Sun!
oThat wheatgrass will oxygenate the blood and kick out every virus, fungus and unhealthy bacteria from your body!

This is just the tip of the iceberg!…..Take a detailed look into 8 great herbs with over 100 great benefits listed and 89 clinical citations, to real scientific research, which backs up the punch which these medicinal herbs, for everyday health, can deliver with real research which confirms their potency!

Take a look inside and don’t waste time. Start today in using these h

Free on 22nd Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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