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Meditation for Beginners

Suppose we offered you a Wonder Drug, would you take it?

Do you want to relieve stress?

Do you want to increase your energy?

Do you want to improve your sex life?

Do you want to focus better?

Do you want to improve the quality of your sleep?

Do you want to be more successful in life?

Do you want to achieve true happiness?

Meditation for Beginners will show you how!

Suppose we offered you a wonder drug. This drug, taken every day for two weeks, would systematically remove all of your insecurities, neuroses, and niggling worries. Would you take it, or would you carry on as you are?

Many people come to meditation a little confused, a little worried. This is no great surprise. We have constructed a world of meaningless data; it is fighting for your attention at every step. Our minds are struggling to keep up with the pace of a system, which they themselves designed. Meditation offers a way to achieve an essential kind of rest amidst the eternal flux.

Meditation requires very little from you. You need to still your body first – this much is true. But this can be learned quite easily. Sitting, lying down, standing – it doesn’t really matter, in the end. Your only task is to focus the mind on one object and keep it focused for as long as possible, as fully as possible. The breath is a good place to start with this. If it seems like a simple exercise or you are a little bored, then it’s working. It is simple. It is boring. That is the point.

For its simplicity, it is also powerful. You will notice, in this time, an increase in your energy. You will be more able to concentrate. Any problems, which arise, will be dealt with with a sense of ease. You will smile more, be happier throughout the day. Your quality and quantity of sleep will improve. People around you will comment on your fantastic complexion. Stress will dissipate. Sex will improve.

This is one of the kindest things you can ever do for yourself. But how many times have you heard that? The truth is, there is nothing so convincing as doing it for yourself. In this book, we hope to encourage you to try meditation out for yourself.

Meditation, above all, teaches you how to be resilient in mind. We sincerely hope that you enjoy this book, that you get out of it exactly what you need, and that you diligently and patiently begin the essential work on yourself, which this practice entails. It is our honest belief that, in a world where everybody meditates, war becomes an impossibility.

Welcome to the constructive world of meditation!

In Meditation for Beginners you will learn:

What Meditation Isn’t & What It Is

Why Bother

How To Clear The Way

The Basic Practice

How To Measure Progress

How To Deal With Distractions & Why They Matter

Dealing With The Darkness

And much, much more!

Start changing your life NOW by learning how to meditate!


Tags: Meditation, Beginners, Mindfulness, Yoga, Anxiety, Stress, Mind, Books, mindfulness meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation books, meditation techniques, transcendental meditation, zen meditation, how to meditate, daily meditation, peace, serenity, soul-searching, focus, relaxation, concentration, self help, Increase productivity, daily meditations, relieve stress, spiritual growth, happiness, yoga, meditation techniques, meditation guide, stress management, buddhism, Spiritual, being present, mindfulness exercises, buddhism, mindfulness meditation, zen buddhism, mindfulness meditati

Free on 11th - 15th Sep 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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