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Meditation for Beginners: The Ultimate Meditation Guide

In this book you will learn how to find peace, happiness, relive stress and combat depression through simple meditation techniques.

The concept of meditation and its principles needs to be understood first before any of us move on to how we can meditate better. The human brain can follow what it can understand, so do not deny the mind of the understanding that it requires. The message that I am trying to convey here is that it is important to understand how meditation works before actually practicing it. In this book you will be provided with enough information on Meditation for Beginners for you to fully comprehend the principle and depth of meditation.

Meditation is not just simply sitting down and closing your eyes; there is much more to it than this as you will realize this that once you have armed yourself with the greatest weapon in the world, knowledge. Meditation has been around for thousands of years and people of all ages and cultures have been developing the study over time, so we finally can access the final products of their lifelong studies. It is important that I state in the beginning of the book that none of the techniques mentioned here are hard, but definitely need discipline and perseverance. That being said, you can realize a few basic benefits of meditation in a couple of weeks. So, every time you realize that you have in fact benefited from meditation, you need to motivate yourself further and to push the boundaries of your mind.

The benefits of meditation cannot simply be quantified. The direct benefits are discussed but there are many indirect benefits too. If you are suffering from insomnia, and this insomnia in turn causes adrenal fatigue, then would you say meditation helped cure adrenal fatigue or not? Meditation definitely helps solve the issue of insomnia and once that issue is solved, it becomes easier to solve the issue of adrenal fatigue. As you can see, meditation had an indirect role in actually treating adrenal fatigue. Anything to do with the mind cannot be quantified, because we have not fully comprehended our brains yet. So, we do not yet understand the wide range of benefits meditation provides us.

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Free on 12th - 16th Jul 15
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