
Free on 28th Nov 17 - 2nd Dec 17
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Use These Powerful Meditation Techniques To Immediately Become Happier and Reduce Stress And Anxiety Forever!

This book has lots of actionable information on meditation techniques that can help you to relieve stress and anxiety for good and unleash an era of peace and happiness.

A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami said; “You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation.” So how can you take charge? Well, to make your mind listen and do what you want from life, you need to control it and this is where meditation comes in. It not only makes you have total control over your mind but also bring in peace within your soul which makes you feel alive and happy.

This book is designed to help you meditate. It contains actionable techniques that help you meditate easily and get relieved of all the stress you have in life. And as the Zen Buddhists put it, while life is full of suffering, there is an end to suffering; our goal in this book is to put an end to suffering by learning the ins and outs of meditation.
In a step by step way, Meditation for Beginners will walk you through everything you need to know about meditation and how to successfully meditate every day. This book will help you understand meditation better and you will learn how you can start meditation now in order to be more productive and get rid of stress and anxiety forever.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Meditation: A Comprehensive Understanding How Meditation Helps Reduce Stress and AnxietyConcentration MeditationMindfulness MeditationBody Scan MeditationTips and Tricks to Improve the Effectiveness of MeditationUse Mudras to get Enhanced ResultsMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

People who meditate regularly experience less worry, anxiety and stress and are more positive and productive. You too can experience the amazing benefits of meditation by learning the techniques explained in this book.
The purpose of meditation is not to just focus on the mind or thinking of something to make you feel relaxed. It has a purpose that is far higher than these things which brings us to the question; ‘what is meditation?’ and ‘what are various meditation techniques’ which can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. So to get all your answers and having an happier life ahead, download this book today!

Take action now and download this book on a limited time discount only!!

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Tags: Meditation, how to meditate, meditation for beginners, meditation book, meditation techniques, transcendental meditation, how to meditate for beginners, mindfulness meditation, mindfulness, relieve stress, inner peace with meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation, daily meditations, zen meditation, real happiness, mindfulness for beginners, relieve stress and anxiety, relieve anxiety, happy forever, yoga.

Free on 28th Nov 17 - 2nd Dec 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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