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Free on 10th - 14th Aug 16
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Discover the true secrets of the Mediterranean Cuisine

The Mediterranean diet which is not a diet per se, however more comparable to a lifestyle, was originated in Greece, Spain, Morocco, and Southern Italy. If you knew that there was a lifestyle and healthy way of eating that nurtures youth and

vitality, wouldn’t you want to know about it?

The Mediterranean way helps you feel energized, look younger and also reduces the rate of

chronic diseases. Plus, it’s delicious. Too good to be true? Definitely not. You just need to

invest a little bit of your time.

The Mediterranean diet nurtures a more simple way to eat and focuses on fresh (and often

locally produced) vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, a bit of fish or poultry and

lots of olive oil. If you’re a lover of wine, you will be happy to know that 1-2 daily glasses of

red wine are encouraged with meals, which promote heart health. Research has proven

that there are a large number of health benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet.

To incorporate the diet into your lifestyle, you only need to introduce a few simple habits

into your life. Eat whole, fresh foods, slow down and enjoy

the flavors of the food with people you care about, and stay active.

Following this lifestyle can:

greatly improve your cardiovascular healthdecrease Typ 2 Diabetesinhibit the occurrence of cancerlower the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseaseimprove depressionhelp to reach your ideal weight

What would you say if I would tell you that you can achieve all of this by simply shopping in the market perimeter, eating seasonally, breaking (whole-grain) bread with people who make you smile, as well as enjoying the occasional glass of wine?

In order to publish this cookbook, I worked closely with a 5 star chef from the Mediterranean region, who also runs her own restaurant. She was willing to share 80+ authentic easy-to-prepare recipes, cooking tips, as well as how to prepare your own homemade kefir and hazelnut spread. Besides that, this cookbook also contains a practical guide, nutritional information and colored images for every mouth-watering recipe.

Surprise the people you love with one of these authentic yet easy to prepare recipes.

Sit back, enjoy your food and more importantly- enjoy life!

Free on 10th - 14th Aug 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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