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Biographies and Memoirs of Women: Through the Eyes of a Child Before, During and After WW2 In Poland (True Story)

The present is WW2. Martyna describes in detail the images before her as she sees them. She tries to understand the horrors of life during the war.

There are situations and happenings no child should have to face and see. Never the less Martyna copes as best as her young being allows, always hopeful for a better outcome.

All around her hardships, deprivations and death takes its toll, but the will to survive ever present.

Occasionally, the girl escapes the sad images before her and runs into the quietness and beauty of the forest where she finds solace.

The climax and fighting towards the end of WWII sees Martyna and other children rob the dead bodies of German soldiers of money and jewellery. This will help the families of live, later once WW2 is over.

Tags: history europe eastern , europe, history women in history, history eastern europe, true story, biographies and memoirs historical europe, biographies and memoirs women, , biographies and memoirs, world war 2 true stories, biographies and memoirs women, world war 2 survivors, world war 2, world war II, WW2, stories from world war 2, world war 2 stories, WWII true stories, WWII stories,WW2 stories, World War 2 stories,

Free on 25th - 27th Sep 15
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