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Free on 27th - 28th May 15
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DISCOVER: The Little-Known Secret To Remember Names, Facts, Figures, Speeches & More…

…Even If You Think You Have A ‘Bad’ Memory!

Have you ever…

Been embarrassed that you forgot somebody’s name, and had to resort to sneaky detective work to get it before the next time you met?

Read a speech from your notes when other speakers at an event had their speech memorized?

Been sure you were going to ace an exam, but when the test clock started, you drew a blank on the questions?

Forgotten facts and figures that could have made your argument more persuasive?

Forgotten important elements of a sales script that could have made the sale for you and put more money in your pocket?

Well, you’re about to learn the ‘secret’ technique that gives savant-like recall to people with ‘normal’ or even ‘bad’ memories…


Being able to remember the names of everyone you meet, never use cue cards for a presentation again, remember appointments and birthdays without a calendar, and have important facts and figures on the tip of your tongue when you need them.

Do you think it could make your life easier?

Do you think it could impress clients & help your career? …Of course it could.

Problem is, if you want to learn how to do this, you usually have to take an expensive course, or read long, boring books.

But you shouldn’t have to.

That’s why I created this Concise & Condensed guide to remembering important information…

In fact, within half an hour of beginning this book, you will have the tools to memorize any number, fact or speech you want.

Here’s what you’ll learn in Memory Breakthrough: A Simple Technique To Remember Names & Numbers, Scripts & Languages

How memory actually works (and why you can remember decades-old childhood memories but you can’t remember your new phone number or the name of a person you JUST met)

The REAL reason behind forgetfulness, and how to eliminate it

Why the ‘photographic memory’ is a myth and how memory techniques are the key to unlocking ANY normal mind

And the EXACT methods to remember:

Names (how to remember names of everybody you meet by making a person’s face TELL you their name!)

Lists (remember shopping lists, to-do lists, and facts/figures, & keep your list items in order, too)

Speeches & Scripts (how to remember sales scripts & deliver speeches naturally, without notes)

Facts and Figures (remember facts or figures to make your arguments more persuasive)

Strong Passwords (how to create unbreakable passwords and remember them effortlessly)

Appointments, Anniversaries + Birthdays (how to remember all weekly appointments and dates without the need for a calendar)

Short Numbers such as telephone numbers (quickly memorize short numbers)

Long Numbers (commit VERY long numbers to memory, from credit card numbers, product codes, to 1000+ digits of Pi)

Foreign Language and Business Vocabulary (effective Polyglot methods to remember new vocabulary, faster)

A concise guide to ‘Memory Palaces’ and memory ‘Peg’ systems

Do you want to know how to do all this?

Then download Memory Breakthrough Now!

Just scroll to the top of the page and click the Buy Now button.

Free on 27th - 28th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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