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Memory Improvement: 25 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Memory in 30 Days

Effective Memory Improvement Techniques and Memory Enhancement Suggestions

Unlike the human body, the human memory is not a factory. It does not work on the simple mechanism of input, processing and output; like how a computer works. The memory is a complicated set of processes involving a trillion sets of permutations and combinations all jumbled up together.

There is nothing fixed, as to what you will remember and what you will not. The life of a particular memory may last from four seconds to forty years.

However, as we age, our memory retention weakens and we begin experiencing memory loss. While there is no magic pill to make your memory supercharged instantly, there are proven techniques and strategies that will help strengthen and improve your memory.

Through this book, we’ve put together a list 25 powerful ways you can improve your memory in 30 days.

In this book you’ll learn:

Explanation about different types of memories

Brief explanation on how sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory work

How diet and lifestyle can effect our memory and how we can improve it

Memory training suggestions and tips

Memory enhancement suggestions and tips

List of 25 specific ways we can improve our memory in 30-days

Download your copy today!

Free on 5th - 7th Jun 15
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