Certain principles are universal whether you are bicycling across America or chasing your own lifelong dream.
Life lessons can arise in unusual settings, and often arrive when you’ve left your comfort zones behind and embarked on a unique journey. After thousands of miles of pedaling, Tim and Debbie Bishop have discovered some powerful lessons from the seat of a bicycle. In Metaphors in Motion, they convey some “open-road wisdom” applicable to any adventure in life.
As you seek to move forward in your world, you can rarely find enough inspiration, encouragement, and insight to face life’s challenges with confidence. Whether you are navigating unfamiliar terrain, struggling to get started, or just plain stuck and praying for your own miracle, you’ll find a good dose of guidance and motivation from the cycling “aha moments” inside this book.
With wisdom gleaned all the way from a twilight ride up an Idaho mountain to a bicycle shop in Delaware, Ohio, Metaphors in Motion will provide you with the enlightenment you’ll want for your own travels through life. More importantly, it will challenge you to apply some key life principles.
Mindset Mastery: Transform Your Thinking and Unlock Your Life Potential
THE TINY HANDBOOK OF HAPPINESS: How Science can Help You Achieve More Joy and Fulfillment
Embracing Individuality: How Unique Strengths Shape Our Life's Journey
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