
Free on 20th Nov 17
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Great ideas that helped me make more money by selling portraits!

In the past years, I have made an extra $50,000 by selling portraits. The occasional order, the occasional event… it all added up and it didn’t consume my time. In this short guide I will reveal some of the secrets about the methods I used to get customers and have a nice side-income by doing what I love at home, on top of my regular job:

In some of my other books I lay out the techniques you can apply to draw beautiful portrait, but selling it is a whole different trick. Do you love to draw, and are you wondering how to sell your works? Then don’t wait and buy this relatively cheap book so you can get some good ideas!

Keywords: selling art, sell art, how to sell art, how to sell artwork, selling artwork, turn art into cash, turn art into money, make money with portraits, make money with drawings, make money with drawing, earn money with portraits, earn money with drawing, earn cash with portraits, make cash with portraits, how to make a living with art, making a living with art, sell art online, selling art online, selling drawings, how to sell your drawings, ideas for freelancers, ideas for freelance illustrators, freelance illustrations, illustration selling, sell illustrations, market illustrations, how to market artwork, how to market drawings, how to market pencil sketches, marketing portraits, marketing art, marketing artwork, illustrator marketing, illustrations marketing techniques, marketing tricks for illustrators, marketing tips for freelancers, freelance artist marketing, freelance artist sales techniques, how to market art online, marketing art online, marketing art on internet, selling art on internet, sell your art on the internet, how to sell your drawings on the internet, internet marketing for artists, online marketing for artists

Free on 20th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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