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Free on 24th - 26th Feb 17
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Mindfulness: The revolutionary step by step guide to feeling fulfilled, revitalised and excited about your life.

In Mindfulness, you will finally learn just how to be present, savour every moment and live a happier life, using an easy to follow step by step guide and FREE action plan. There is no need to continue feeling overwhelmed by life’s many stresses, you deserve serenity and clear focus. Download this book today.

Being mindful means experiencing the present moment. It might seem like we have no choice but to experience the present, since we have not yet invented time travel, but the truth is that many of us take for granted what’s going on around us, as we tend to get lost in our thoughts, focus on only one thing, or don’t really focus on anything in an effort to keep up with all our multitasking – especially since the breakdown of sociability thanks to the advent of cellphones and mobile internet.

But the present is not all that minimal. There are so many things happening all around us – sights, sounds, smells. And we are mostly oblivious to them. Being mindful means taking the time to savour all of these things – using your five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. It means letting these sensations wash over you, and in doing so giving yourself over completely to the present moment.

In its entirety, mindfulness is such a simple concept. But its applications and benefits are proving to be almost endless – in fact, the more it’s studied, the more beneficial it has proven to be.

Here are some of the great things you will learn and do:

Why being mindful is so good for you

How to have more control over your life

How to enjoy every moment

How mindfulness can assist with addictions

How to improve your memory and focus

And much, much more!

Don’t you deserve peace of mind and a feeling of fulfilment? Take action now.

Tags: (Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, Buddhism, Zen, Peace, Happiness)

Free on 24th - 26th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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