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Free on 21st - 25th May 15
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Mindfulness will make your life better – Learn to stop simply existing and start living each day to the fullest!

Are you tired of always feeling stressed, and never seeming to have enough time? Would you like to have more happiness, peace and love? Maybe you just want to stop procrastinating and create a better life for yourself?

No matter what problems you are facing mindfulness is the answer!

Mindfulness is a philosophy of life that teaches us the best way to live a wonderful, happy and productive life is to live your life right here and right now. Unfortunately in today’s world we live in the exact opposite way. We are present everywhere except right here, right now. You could even say that we live according to the philosophy of mindlessness. Always rushing, always multitasking but never stopping to actually live.

“Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.”- Seneca

Our mind wanders either in the memories of our past or in the dreams of our future. The present moment is considered too boring to merit our attention. We feel there are always more important things to do, more things we have to get done. So we give the present moment just enough attention to get by but not more. If we do become mindful of our present it depresses us because we realize that we really have no control over our lives. In a moment of rare clarity we see that our real life and our ideal dream life are worlds apart. To forget this fact we seek distractions in the form of reality television shows, cute cat pictures, social media, alcohol, shopping, fast food, drugs and anything else that numbs us to the current moment. Anything that takes us away from living in the moment seems to be good enough for most of us.

This is no way to live and you don’t have to live this way. The mindfulness habit is the answer to all these problems. Mindfulness meditation has become popular but mindfulness is more than just another technique of meditation. In this book, I introduce to you the complete concept of mindfulness, not just as a meditation technique but also as a life philosophy. This book will help you understand what mindfulness is all about and how to apply it in every aspect of your life.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn…

Learn what mindfulness is and how it can completely better your life.How to do mindfulness meditation the right way.How to practice mindfulness in daily life situations.How to use mindfulness to align your life with your principles and values.How to use the mindfulness habit to turn your life around and find lasting success and happiness. Learn how mindfulness can make you more productive, less stressed, and in control of your life!Plus, so much more…

So if you’re stuck in the rat race of our modern world and always find yourself rushing between the past and the future, then you need to read this book and learn how to stop and be peacefully present in this very moment. You really can calm your mind, become happier and create a better life. Mindfulness is the answer!

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==>Scroll up and click the buy button to get your copy now!

Free on 21st - 25th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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