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Part 5 of Eric’s quest to find out why he was taken from his home

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Eric had never wanted to hurt Drago, but having this dragon bone ax in his possession had certainly caused a rift between them that was hard to mend. It was a contention between them, but it wasn’t stopping them from working together, even though it was strained at best. Zina was doing her best to keep things level, even though she had no idea what Drago was saying from one moment to the next. Eric was still dealing with the fact that his father, AKA the Enderman had decided to raise his head and become a thorn in his side. They were now trapped by spiders and by the Enderman’s latest obstacle, which was not something to sneeze that. This was a creeper and they were deadly and unpredictable. Can they somehow find a way to pass this explosive entity, or are they going to find that this is their final declaration before the end?

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Bargain on 1st - 5th Jan 16
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