
Free on 8th - 12th Aug 16
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Master your saving and spending habits

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to improve your understanding towards money and help you to master saving and spending habits.

What make you buy this book? Are you facing same problems others have understanding money? Are you wondering why you are failing to save enough money? Why you are not able to stop yourself buying unneeded and costly items? Even though you are knowing financial instruments. Have you ever wondered why you handle money the way you do? Perhaps you’re a saver and you feel satisfaction every time you look at your growing account balances and displeasure when you need to buy something or maybe you enjoy doing shopping, looking at life as something to enjoy, so you buy on impulse and pay little attention to how you’ll survive in the future.

While many people believe that money-handling habits come from parents or caregivers, current research is proving that our habits aren’t just based on conditioning and money management lessons we learned as kids. There are spenders and savers in the same families, kids who grew up in poverty and still develop great wealth, and heirs who blow the family fortune.

If it’s not how you’re brought up, what does shape the way you view money?

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

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Free on 8th - 12th Aug 16
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